Monday, February 12, 2007

Subway Poem

Navigating homeward
Carrying your tuba
Like you could blow
Pushing your stroller
As if you could know
The man sitting across
Eyes down
Hands in lap

On the street a man blowing balloons
And twisting balloons to shape the world
And blowing smoke
A twisted grin and something
Unintended to his audience

Below a man
Beady eyes
A girl across
Fiery and young
He leers
Speaks to her
“You got a boyfriend?”
Spits on the floor
She turns and hugs her mother
Smile on her face
Not thinking as I do


Taking this into –
I made it even more difficult for you to –
I hope you make it through –
Without –

“Fast and Slow”

If I were slow
As light
If I were fast
As a day with snow on its feet
I would run slow
And sleep fast
With you

Saturday, February 10, 2007


In biology,
Love is an affliction, complete with side effects

In the movies,
Curt exchanges and a glimpse of a lady’s glove

Plato believed we were pulling our halves together

In the Bible, God is love

I do not know what love is

But I would like to think it’s a secret shared
Whispered little by little over time

Do you want the long version or the short?